Gianni Borsa

2016 10 Febbraio

The migratory tangle

Refugees: Europe’s response does not take off. The Commission confronts Italy and Greece

“Getting back to an orderly management of flows is the most pressing priority today”, said Frans Timmermans, EU Commission Vice-President. “We need to step-up the implementation of the agreed European response that strikes the balance between responsibility and solidarity”, reiterated Dimitri Avramopoulos, Commissioner in charge of Migration. The Executive in Brussels returned to put the […]

di Gianni Borsa

2016 05 Febbraio

Historic event

Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill: a meeting that bridges century-long divisions

Three hours in the island of Cuba to overcome century-long distance and divisions. Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia will meet on February 12 in Cuba where the Pope will make a stop on his way to Mexico and where the Patriarch will be on an official visit. The news was […]

di Chiara Biagioni

2016 04 Febbraio

Firm stand

ISIS exterminates religious minorities. The condemnation of the EU Parliament: “it’s a genocide.”

Today, the European Parliament will vote a joint motion for a Resolution on the Systematic mass murder of religious minorities by ISIS. This Resolution seeks to highlight international crimes committed against all religious minorities by the terrorist group, in particular, crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide. It represents a further step following the Resolution approved […]

di José-Luis Bazán (Comece - Bruxelles)

2016 27 Gennaio

Agricoltura sociale

“Seme”: a Genova la diocesi fa sinergia per offrire un lavoro a giovani e meno giovani

“Affidarci alla Provvidenza è servito molto perché quando uno ci crede i risultati prima o poi arrivano”. Enzo Gandolfo è il legale rappresentante della cooperativa sociale onlus di tipo B per l’agricoltura sociale “Seme”, primo esempio concreto della sinergia creata da alcuni uffici di Curia – Caritas, Vita sociale e lavoro, Servizio di pastorale giovanile – […]

di Adriano Torti

2016 26 Gennaio

Lent 2016

Pope Francis: “reawakening our conscience too often grown dull in the face of poverty”

“Let us not waste this season of Lent, so favourable a time for conversion!” It’s the final appeal of the Pope’s message for Lent 2016 that begins of February 10, Ash Wednesday. “I desire mercy, and not sacrifice” (Mt 9:13). The works of mercy on the road of the Jubilee” is the theme of the […]

di Giovanna Pasqualin Traversa

2016 26 Gennaio

A voice out of the crowd

Jasiek, without an arm and a leg, is the “face” of the WYD. Explorer, dancer and… Christian

“Life is a miracle. Always. Also when it’s terribly difficult”, said without hesitations Jasiek Mela, 27, who with some other 30 personalities, like Jerzy Dudek (former goalkeeper of Liverpool and Real Madrid soccer teams), actors, musicians, singers and journalists, will be the celebrity spokesperson of the 2016 World Youth Day in Krakow. In the selection […]

di Anna Kowalewska

2016 23 Gennaio


Kenya: false Chiese e regole controverse. La preoccupazione dei vescovi

Possono essere case in muratura o baracche non troppo diverse dalle altre in una bidonville, avere centinaia di fedeli o un solo un piccolo gruppo. Nomi e luoghi cambiano ma la sostanza è la stessa: sono ormai migliaia le Chiese autodefinite, diffuse nella capitale Nairobi come nel resto del Paese. In comune hanno alcune caratteristiche. […]

di Davide Maggiore

2016 06 Gennaio


Mikolasik: “Europe has lowered the guard on the protection of life”

Hardly a day passes without new challenges involving the life and the family in political and legislative realms, that hit the news throughout Europe. The latest include the Slovenian referendum of December 20 that rejected Parliament’s bill on gay marriage and adoption, and the law on civil unions between same-sex couples adopted in Greece. Miroslav […]

di Danka Jaceckowa

2016 05 Gennaio

Politics and society

European capitals of culture: restoring conscience and identity to the old Continent

  It’s beautiful and inspiring to know that the person who conceived the “European City of Culture”, which in 1999 was called “European Capital of Culture”, is Melina Mercuri, a woman, a Greek citizen, an artist, a policymaker who fought for the establishment of democracy in her home Country. It’s equally significant to recall, in […]

di Paolo Bustaffa

2015 23 Dicembre

Places of worship

Poland bucking the trend: new churches being built in cities and villages

The Polish Church is bucking Europe’s trend. Actually, while lots of new places of worship are being built on Polish land as much in big cities as in the small villages scattered around the country, many churches that had been deserted then left to ruin are now being refurbished and given back to the devotees. […]

di Anna T. Kowalewska