Silvia Guzzetti

2015 15 Dicembre

It happens in England

United Kingdom: “Mercy Bus” brings the Jubilee in city streets

A double-decker bus with the picture of Pope Francis and three priests offering blessings and confessions, as well as mere conversation. It’s an initiative of the diocese of Salford, north of England, to celebrate the Year of Mercy indicted by Pope Francis. Priests, volunteers and music. They called it the ”Mercy Bus”. It will travel […]

di Silvia Guzzetti

2015 26 Novembre

Apostolic journey to Africa

Pope Francis in Africa calls for a global, “transformational agreement for Africa”

Only three days before the opening of Cop21, the climate summit in Paris that will bring no less than 147 Heads of State to convene in the city tragically struck by terrorist attacks, with extensive security measures, in a highly anticipated speech – the most comprehensive, long and articulated speech of the apostolic visit – […]

di M. Michela Nicolais

2015 24 Novembre

Zdk – Change of leadership

Germany, Sternberg leader of Catholic laity. Lepizing celebrates Katholikentag n° 100

German Catholics laboriously proceed towards the 100th Katholikentag, led by a new president of the Zentralkomitee der deutschen Katholiken (ZDK), with the determined contribution of the Church and a renewed will to be present in German society with set of significant challenges: refugees, security, quality of work and of the environment, secularization of culture, euroscepticism… The […]

di Massimo Lavena

2015 24 Novembre


France, centre for the care and prevention of young Muslims’ radicalization

Against whom are we fighting in Europe? What and who is hiding behind the network of Jihadism in Europe? How does it manage to have a grip on youths’ minds? The perpetrators of the Paris attacks were all young. The international masterminds conceal the faces of youths in their late teens in photographs with Kalashnikovs […]

di M. Chiara Biagioni

2015 23 Novembre


La Caritas di Bolzano apre la decima struttura di accoglienza per richiedenti asilo

Castelrotto si è risvegliato questa mattina avvolto dall’aria frizzante che “sa di neve”.  Oggi è un inizio di settimana particolare per il paese altoatesino che sorge ai piedi dell’Alpe di Siusi, perla incastonata nell’incantevole paesaggio del parco naturale dello Sciliar. È un inizio di settimana particolare perché questa mattina il piccolo centro abitato darà il […]

di Irene Argentiero

2015 23 Novembre


Europe locks down borders against terror. Parishes unexpectedly open their doors in Italy

After Paris and the lockdown of Europe’s internal and external borders, what will be the impact on the serious humanitarian crisis of refugees? Hundreds of thousands of people knocking at our doors have not suddenly disappeared because they are no longer spoken of. The majority escapes from the same dangers that we are afraid of: […]

di Patrizia Caiffa

2015 23 Novembre

Fight on terrorism

Europe has left my France alone to fight everyone’s war

Paris, November 13 2015: Europe is under attack! France has experienced a tragedy. France was attacked in its lifestyle, its culture, its youth, its vision of coexistence, its democratic values, its human rights, its respect for cultural diversity. Sitting in a stadium to watch a football match with the family, having a drink on the […]

di Jean-Dominique Durand

2015 20 Novembre


Brussels: tour of Molenbeek, where the terrorists have taken root

It’s an ordinary day at the at the Gare de l’Ouest (Brussel-West station in Flemish). Icy wind and leaden sky – common here in Brussels -, the buzz of children’s voices echoing in the schoolyard, a lady dressed in furs leading a collie on a leash. Across the street two women, wearing veils, are chatting […]

di Gianni Borsa

2015 19 Novembre

Blitz antiterrorism

The testimony of the bishop of Saint-Denis: “Families and children have seen and heard the horror.”

The hideout of the jihadists who sowed death and havoc in Paris and France was here in Saint-Denis, in rue du Corbillon 8, a few steps away from the cathedral. Special police forces staged a siege that began on Wednesday, at 4:25 am, and went on for the entire morning. This is among the most […]

di Maria Chiara Biagioni

2015 10 Novembre

Reform of the Church

Viganò: the first-hand account of Francis’ breakthrough

“Fedeltà è cambiamento. La svolta di Francesco raccontata da vicino” (“Faithfulness is transformation. The breakthrough of Francis narrated up-close”, trans.’s note.) It’s the title of the new book by Monsignor Dario Edoardo Viganò, prefect of the Secretariat for Communication of the Holy See, director of CTV (Vatican Television Centre). The book is a first-hand account […]

di Vincenzo Corrado