Maddalena Maltese

2019 24 Luglio


Between mother and son. Abortion in USA: from propaganda to new poverties

As of Wednesday Marshae Jones has returned to be a free woman. She was shot in the stomach, this caused the miscarriage of her five-month-old unborn baby and was thus charged with manslaughter under State of Alabama legislation. Past May the southern US State signed the ban of abortion into law, with no exception for […]

di Maddalena Maltese

2019 11 Luglio

End of life

Vincent Lambert. Msgr. Ginoux (Montauban): “This death is outrageous because it fails to acknowledge the continuation of life”

“Vincent Lambert was alive, he was kept alive with no external means, except for food and hydration, which is what we all need.”  Mons. Bernard Ginoux, bishop of Montauban, told SIR over the phone. “Of course, he was fed with nutrition tubes because it couldn’t be ascertained whether he had his ability to swallow was impaired.” But […]

di Sarah Numico

2019 10 Luglio


EU Commission Economic forecast: Germany slows down, Italy lags behind

“The European economy continues to expand against a difficult global backdrop. All EU countries are set to grow again”: it’s the overall picture presented by Pierre Moscovici, Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, in his introduction of the “Summer Economic Forecasts” in Brussels. The “interim” – thereby “lighter” – prospects, only regard the growth of […]

di Sarah Numico

2019 04 Luglio

The press and the internet

Newspapers, magazines and websites: the voice of the Catholic Church in Great Britain

The event promoted by the Catholic bishops of England and Wales on July 4, on the occasion of the Mass for Social Communications is dedicated to the most important theme involving journalism today. In St. Monica’s elementary school in Hoxton square, north of London, three experts will discuss “Rethinking artificial intelligence at the service of […]

di Silvia Guzzetti from London

2019 03 Luglio


Sassoli at the helm of the European Parliament. Also Italy has its

Epoch-making transformations “need new ideas, the courage to combine great wisdom and utmost audacity”, such as those of the  “founding fathers” of the Community. In these historical circumstances “we must have the strength to relaunch our integration process”, so that the EU may “be able to respond more strongly to the needs of our citizens […]

di Gianni Borsa, Marco Calvarese and Sarah Numico from Strasbourg

2019 27 Giugno


Moscow, the diocese’s self-reflection. Coming out of the “ghetto” to be missionaries

The Archdiocese of Moscow – three areas of pastoral ministry, 65 parishes altogether – is determined to undergo a process of renewal and rediscovery. Rebuilt from the ashes of communism (two Churches left standing in 1991), it came to new life and experienced a period of “explosive growth.” But now it is going through a […]

di Sarah Numico

2019 27 Giugno


USA-Mexico border: broken existences and saved lives

(from New York) Less than a kilometre separates the bodies of Oscar Ramirez and his daughter Valeria from one of the migrants’ reception centres located a few meters from the bridge connecting the banks of the Rio Grande in Texas. Just one kilometre from a shower, from food, from a bus ticket to join a […]

di Maddalena Maltese

2019 25 Giugno


12-Star youth orchestra: a united Europe of music

Each year thousands of young musicians from all over Europe audition to become members of the European Union Youth Orchestra, also known as “EUYO.” Only 114 of them will be selected. Anna Tonini-Bossi (in the picture below), from Alba (Cuneo), who moved to Vienna to study cello, is one of them. EUYO, a musical institution founded in […]

di Sarah Numico

2019 22 Giugno


Bihac and Velika Kladusa: the “Balkan route” ends here. Overcrowding of migrants, mounting tension

The situations of migrants following the “Balkan route” remains cumbersome: thousands of people, from the Near East, Asia and even Africa, are stranded in Bosnia and Herzegovina waiting to continue their journey to inland Europe, experiencing dramatic living conditions. Bosnia-Herzegovina – struggling to manage the increased inflow of refugees – is the last leg of […]

di Iva Mihailova

2019 19 Giugno


Facebook launches Libra cryptocurrency for transactions across the globe

Little is still known about Libra. But the purpose is clear: to transform Facebook subsidiaries Instagram and WhatsApp, (over 2 billion users worldwide) into platforms for transactions between private individuals, between individuals and businesses, between suppliers and businesses carried out with a new currency. As could easily be imagined, the Web where we are all […]

di Paolo Zucca