Silvia Guzzetti from London

2019 13 Giugno


Dilemma in London: Brexit or no-Brexit? Moore (political analyst), “Boris Johnson is the leader we need”

Boris Johnson (large picture) is running for Tory leadership and future PM, backed by a majority of party members. While the former mayor of London promises to complete the process of Britain’s withdrawal from the EU even at the cost of severing relations with Brussels, the Labour opposition presented a motion to Westminster – rejected yesterday […]

di Silvia Guzzetti from London

2019 31 Maggio


“I have the best Sisters sin the world.” In Albania amidst apostolate and prayers, for the rediscovery of the missionary Church

The wrinkles on Sister Josephine’s face, the slight curvature of Sister Bernarda’s shoulders, reveal the burden of age and of many fatigues, but their smile and their gaze reflect the youth of their spirit. Not to mention Sister Teresa of the community of Sainte Jeanne-Antide, 81 years old with the determination of a tireless missionary, […]

di Gjergj Meta

2019 30 Maggio


CEI: Guidelines against abuse. Mons. Ghizzoni (Ravenna): “We encourage people to report anyone, including priests and other religious”

New pastoral guidelines for the protection of minors. This is the most significant novelty of the Guidelines for the Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Persons approved by the Assembly of Italian Bishops last week, along with the “moral” obligation for bishops to report to judicial authorities in the event of child abuse. The document is […]

di Daniela Verlicchi

2019 28 Maggio

Incontro dei 28 a Bruxelles

Vertici Ue, si aprono le danze. Le richieste dei partiti europei

Clima da fine della festa: si smontano tutte le apparecchiature e le infrastrutture servite durante la notte elettorale. In giro per il Parlamento si incrociano tecnici, i giornalisti di stanza a Bruxelles, i leader dei gruppi politici che stamane si sono riuniti. Ordine del giorno: definire la modalità di scelta del presidente della Commissione europea. […]

di Sarah Numico

2019 24 Maggio

Ibero-American Conference of Theology

From a reform in mentality to the structural and institutional reform of the Church

In February 2017, the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry promoted the first Ibero-American theology Conference. Men and women theologians, pastoralists from Latin America, Spain and Latin America began a journey of theological-pastoral dialogue, in Iberian-Latin American contexts. That first meeting highlighted the need to boost the process of dialogue and pastoral conversion between […]

di Rafael Luciani (*)

2019 23 Maggio


European elections. Majamaa (European Youth Foundation), “give greater voice and room to young people in the EU”

“Young people are disproportionately under-represented in public institutions. Less than 2% of MEPs were under 30 when Parliament took office in 2014. This figure signals a discrepancy between this societal group and those who represent it: the gap is also evident in Europe’s political agenda”, declared Ville Majamaa, 26, Vice-President of the European Youth Forum (Eyf) […]

di Sarah Numico (from Brussels)

2019 22 Maggio


European elections, journalists’ alliance to thwart fake news

An interesting website was launched a few weeks ago thanks to the cooperation of 19 European media outlets representing 13 Countries “to fact-check the election campaigns ahead of the European vote of May 2019.” provides an analysis of fake news or misconceptions about Europe. It offers the possibility to ask questions on the elections that  will […]

di Sarah Numico

2019 09 Maggio


The Vatican Publishing House at the Turin Book Fair. Fr Cesareo (coordinator): “Transmit all the potentiality of the Gospel message”

“We must reach a stage whereby reading a book is no longer perceived as it was n the 16th century, when truth was in the book and the reader merely assimilated its content. Readers should be given the opportunity to gradually engage in dialogue with the book as they continue reading…”, said Father Giulio Cesareo, head […]

di Sergio Perugini

2019 09 Maggio


The Pope’s teachings in Bulgaria: “In order to love someone, there is no need to ask for a curriculum vitae”

Cries of joy, children and sick people embraced, migrants consoled, thousands of people moved to tears, happy to have met Pope Francis, messenger of the Lord’s peace in Bulgaria for two days, from 5 to 7 May. It’s a short account of the intense program of the Holy Father in the country of the roses, […]

di Iva Mihailova (from Sofia)

2019 07 Maggio


Schuman’s “concrete dream”. Memory and topical relevance of May 9, Feast of Europe

“A united Europe was not achieved and we had war!”. Only five years had gone by since the end of World War II when, in the late afternoon of May 9, 1950, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs Robert Schuman delivered these words before over 200 journalists hastily summoned in the press room of the […]

di Edoardo Zin