Jean-Dominique Durand (France)

2019 06 Maggio


Notre-Dame is Paris. It’s France, Europe, the world. It’s a symbol that recalls the feeling of belonging to a “Community”

The Cathedral in Paris was partly destroyed by flames. Those images were broadcast around the globe. Everyone was emotionally moved at the sight of a huge blaze that seemed to be unending,  because Notre Dame is Paris and much more. It’s France, and it extends beyond national borders. It’s the whole of Europe, it’s the […]

di Jean-Dominique Durand (France)

2019 06 Maggio


European elections: freedom and community, two guiding principles

In view of the upcoming elections for the renewal of the European Parliament interesting documents and stances are coming to the fore, notably in the Catholic world, thereby reconfirming a long-term investment, revived with determination today.  The latest highlight is the pastoral Letter of the European Bishops of the “Euregio” group, (nine dioceses of border […]

di Francesco Bonini

2019 04 Maggio


“This time I’m voting” generation. Message from youths under-30: “We breathe European air”

If you know it, you become passionate about it; when you discover what Europe is all about you will inevitably feel involved in this project of the common European home. This is what emerged in the experience of young people who attended the institutional initiative of European Youth Week in Brussels that closed on May […]

di Sarah Numico and Marco Calvarese from Brussels

2019 03 Maggio


Syria. The pianist of Yarmouk: “Although the sounds of the bombs are far away they reverberate in my heart”

“My family is here with me, that’s why I am happy today. But from one moment to the next I am overcome by sadness, it happens every time I think of my Country.” Aeham Ahmad can’t hold back his sorrow, that can be seen in his eyes before being expressed in words as he speaks […]

di Cristina Marinoni

2019 03 Maggio

70th Anniversary

Council of Europe, champion of human rights. “Nationalism and populism, direct challenges”

70 years after its foundation, the Council of Europe is our continent’s leading human rights organisation.  47 member states have come together to agree common standards on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. All 830 million people living in this common legal space have an ultimate right of appeal to the European Court […]

di Thorbjørn Jagland, Liliane Maury Pasquier, Timo Soini

2019 15 Aprile


La Via Crucis della resurrezione. Castelli e la speranza della rinascita dopo i terremoti

A dieci anni dal terremoto del 6 aprile 2009, che ha sconvolto L’Aquila ma ha segnato anche il territorio del teramano, Castelli compie un nuovo passo verso la ripresa e accoglie nella ristrutturata chiesa centrale di San Giovanni Battista, restata chiusa per molti anni, una Via Crucis artistica opera di Nino Di Simone che l’ha […]

di Marco Calvarese

2019 08 Aprile


L’Aquila 10 anni dopo. L’Agesci Abruzzo e la speranza del giorno dopo

Un giorno dopo i dieci anni dal terremoto del 6 aprile 2009 che sconvolse L’Aquila, l’Agesci Abruzzo si è data appuntamento nel capoluogo abruzzese per un incontro nel quale ricordare quanto accaduto, l’impegno degli scout sul campo per la gestione dell’emergenza ma, soprattutto, per riflettere sulla rinascita di quei luoghi devastati e delle persone che, […]

di Marco Calvarese

2019 29 Marzo


Amidst fake news and European elections: who we are in daily life and who we are online are intertwined

Among the hundreds of aphorisms on peace posted on the web there is one by Gianni Rodari that says: “In the city of falsehood truth is a disease.” “Contracting the truth disease” resonates as a major paradox at a time of “open” communication marked by an infinite availability of content, of information transparency, of exasperated […]

di Massimiliano Padula

2019 21 Marzo


The beatification process of Eduard Profittlich. Mons. Jourdan (Apostolic Administrator of Estonia): “He was an example for the whole Country”

Archbishop Eduard Profittlich “could be the first Saint of the Catholic Church in Estonia. This is extremely important and significant to us.” The Apostolic Administrator of Estonia, Msgr. Philippe Jourdan is presently in Rome with the postulator for the diocesan phase of the beatification cause, Marge-Maria Paas. He spoke about one of his predecessors, Mons. […]

di Sarah Numico

2019 21 Marzo


San Benedict, Patron Saint of the real Europe

In the Apostolic letter Pacis nuntius, by which Saint Benedict is proclaimed Patron Saint of Europe, Paul VI defined him a messenger of peace, an accomplisher of unity, a master of civilization. The question is: which is the path that leads to the accomplishment of this civilization? The experience of Benedict has been one of a community […]

di Renato Boccardo (*)