Amedeo Cencini

2019 19 Marzo


Father’s day: still necessary despite 50 years of overshadowing in Western societies

Is it still possible to be a “father” in Western societies, after 50 years spent “killing the father” (as was repeatedly asked by Freudian psychoanalysis), defined “unnecessary” (according to the usual “champagne socialist” culture advocating autonomy at all costs), or removed completely (as in the laws on abortion), or transformed in an option (as in […]

di Amedeo Cencini

2019 08 Marzo


Lent 2019: The road to Easter in the Holy land, a flavour of the origins

Living Lent in the Holy Land has particular flavours and meanings under many aspects. First, there is the aspect of the Geography of Salvation, in the words of Saints Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II. Here, liturgical and evangelical texts characterising the Sundays of Lent and the Holy Week immediately bring to mind […]

di Francesco Patton (*)

2019 07 Marzo


Ash Wednesday in Albania: alone on the altar, but filled with future

I don’t think there was another bishop; if there was, I don’t know him, I don’t know whether he celebrated Ash Wednesday alone in his Cathedral, without a concelebrating priest. Not because our priests do not love their bishop, but because there are so few of them (6 in all) and they all work in […]

di From our correspondent Gjergj Meta (*)

2019 04 Marzo


Confcooperative: a different way of doing business. Pofferi: “We strongly support the EU”

(Brussels) – “The presence of Confcooperative in Brussels dates back to the 1970s, with the awareness that European-level decision-making was of central importance. The progressive transfer of powers through the various treaties has only served to reinforce the trend”, says Leonardo Pofferi, Head of the Brussels Office of Confcooperative, explaining to Sir the meaning and […]

di Sarah Numico

2019 01 Marzo


Anti-Semitism: a French virus or a European crisis? The spectre of the past returns

Since past November, thus for the last three months, the “yellow vest” movement has been holding protests and riots across the whole of France. Protests were initially against fuel tax increases, but since its inception far-left and especially far-right extremists had infiltrated the movement with Red-Brown alliances, a sad reminder of the pre-Nazi years. While […]

di Jean-Dominique Durand (France)

2019 28 Febbraio


We need citizens that feel closer to Europe

“Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity.” These words were written over 50 years ago by Robert Schuman, one of the “Founding Fathers” of the European Union. There was full awareness of the challenges, […]

di Matteo Truffelli (*)

2019 21 Febbraio


The Dutch model to combat abuse inside the Church. Mons. van den Hende (Rotterdam): “Helping people recover confidence and the feeling of belonging to the community”

In the years 2011-2018, 3,712 victims of sexual abuse in The Netherlands came forward and shared their stories of suffering. Complaints were submitted by 2,060 of them, 1,002 were acknowledged. Over 27 million euros have been paid out in financial compensation. The Bishops’ Conference and the Conference of Religious Orders have worked together over the […]

di Sarah Numico

2019 19 Febbraio


Ahead of the vote: the European Parliament has launched a “war” against fake news. The words of the head of unit Marjory Van Den Broeke

“If people are no longer capable to distinguish between slander and truth, then democracy and the moral life of individuals are in danger”: it’s the underlying principle of the office of Marjory Van Den Broeke, (The Netherlands) who as of January 15 2018 serves as the chair of a dedicated taskforce of the European Parliament, […]

di Sarah Numico

2019 19 Febbraio


Europe should help Albania before it becomes the next Syria

There is only one form of absolute power in Albania, and it’s the power held by Prime Minister Edi Rama. Major State institutions are in his hands. Under the pretext of judicial reform, Courts are such in name only. There is no longer a difference between a policeman, an attorney and a judge. It pains […]

di Agron Gjekmarkaj (*)

2019 18 Febbraio


Pope Francis in Bulgaria and Macedonia. Msgr. Proykov (Bulgarian bishops): “Our contribution to the EU has been tolerance and acceptance of our fellow others”

From May 5 to 7 Pope Francis will visit the Catholic communities of Bulgaria and Macedonia: a unique and special event. Although these realities are numerically small (approximately 70 thousand faithful in Bulgaria and 20 thousand in Macedonia) local Catholics have cherished their faith throughout the centuries. To them, meeting Pope Francis represents an opportunity […]

di Iva Mihailova (from Sofia)