2001 01 Dicembre

The “European Group”” “

The apostolates of work of Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal and Swtzerland all form part of GEPO, as also do representatives of the European coordination of the International Movement of the apostolate of children (MIDADE), the international coordination of GIOC and the world Movement of Christian Workers (MMTC-MTCE). GEPO was […]

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2001 01 Dicembre

terrorism" "

Legitimate defence” “” “

Since 11 September the international community has been overshadowed by the terrorist threat. In France an anti-terrorist plan has swung into action throughout the country, which has only added to public fear and alarm. According to a survey published by the Catholic daily La Croix, however, two thirds of the French approve of the US […]

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2001 01 Dicembre

Switzerland: grief for the Crossair air disaster” “

“Once again Switzerland has been struck by a tragic accident”. So write the Conference of Swiss Bishops, the Federation of the Protestant Churches and the Christian-Catholic Church in a joint communiqué issued in recent days to express the “consternation” of the three Swiss Churches for the air accident that caused the death of 24 people. […]

di Redazione

2001 01 Dicembre

Northern Ireland: going to school without more insults and protests” “

For the first time since June the girl pupils of Holy Cross primary school in Belfast arrived in class without having to suffer the shouts of protest and the verbal abuse of the Protestant inhabitants of the district, infuriated by the presence of a Catholic school in their neighbourhood. Over the last three months the […]

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2001 01 Dicembre

Spain: a congress on the relation between faith and culture” “

“Is it possible to create a new and fruitful synthesis between faith and contemporary culture?”. That’s the question that guided the work of the international Congress “Towards a new Christian culture” held in recent days. Organized by the Catholic University of Murcia (Spain) in collaboration with the Pontifical Council for Culture, the congress was attended […]

di Redazione

2001 01 Dicembre

Croatia: Zagreb remembers Cardinal Šeper” “

Twenty years have gone by since the death of Cardinal Franjo Šeper, archbishop of Zagreb, president of the Episcopal Conference of Yugoslavia and first prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He died in Rome on 30 December 1981 and in the homily pronounced at his requiem mass, John Paul II thanked […]

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2001 01 Dicembre

European Union" "

Community Budget for 2002″ “

A green light for the draft budget of the European Union for 2002. On the night between 21 and 22 November the European Council and Parliament reached provisional agreement even on the most controversial chapters in the budget. In particular, as regards agriculture (the sector that absorbs 50% of EU expenditure), it was decided that […]

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2001 01 Dicembre

White paper on youth” “

The result of a consultation that for the first time enabled the opinions of those directly concerned to be sounded, the White Paper on Youth has now been adopted by the EU Executive. Addressed to the 75 million young people of Europe and to the competent Community authorities on matters of youth policies, the White […]

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2001 01 Dicembre

Condolences for the victims of the explosion in Rome” “

The European Parliament has expressed its condolences to the Italian government following the gas explosion that ripped apart an apartment block in Rome and caused the death of seven people, and left many injured and hundreds homeless. “I express to you and to the families of the victims – wrote the president of the European […]

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2001 01 Dicembre

Dailies and periodicals ” “

“Cloning: up to what point?” (La Croix, 27/11/2001), “Pro-lifers press for a halt to destructive experiments conducted on human embryos” (Catholic Herald, 23/11/2001), “The first results of human cloning call into question its therapeutic use” (Le Monde, 28/11/2001), “Cloned embryos from human cells” (Herald Tribune, 26/11/2001), “The cloning of human embryos arouses condemnation throughout the […]

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