2001 20 Ottobre

the conflict" "

An eye-witness ” “report from Afghanistan” “” “

Misereor, the charity and aid organization of the German Church, is funding numerous aid projects in the developing countries. One of these projects, called Lepco (Control of Leprosy and Development Programme) is currently being implemented in Afghanistan and Pakistan (see SirEurope 2, p.4). We managed to contact Thomas Koenig , volunteer physician and head and […]

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2001 20 Ottobre

Reinforcing the United Nations ” “” “

Poverty and public-sector aid to development, Islam and respect for human rights, armed conflicts and the role of the United Nations: these are just some of the issues we discussed with Jean Fabre, Assistant Director of UNDP (the UN programme for development), in his office in Geneva, to understand what’s behind the terrorist attacks in […]

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2001 20 Ottobre

Turkey: fear is growing” “” “

After the tragic terrorist attacks of 11 September and the subsequent retaliation of the United States in Afghanistan fears of a reaction of public opinion within countries with an Islamic majority and the spread of conflicts between believers of different religions seem to be growing. SIR has listened to what the spokesman of the Episcopal […]

di Redazione

2001 20 Ottobre

the mayor" "

France: ” “the "college" of bishops¤” “” “

Six French bishops have been attending the 10th Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome since 30 September: they are Cardinal emeritus Jean Honoré, Msgr. Maurice Gaidon, bishop of Cahors, Msgr. Claude Dagens, bishop of Angoulême, Msgr. Olivier de Berranger, bishop of Saint-Denis, Msgr. Georges Gilson, archbishop of Sens-Auxerre, and Msgr. Jean-Pierre Ricard, […]

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2001 20 Ottobre

Austria: ” “enhancing the role of the laity” “” “

Ongoing formation, collaboration with the laity, the intelligent use of the means of communication, public relations: these were the main issues tackled by Msgr. Alois Kothgasser , of the Salesian order, bishop of Innsbruck (Austria), in his address to the 10th ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, being held in the Vatican from 30 […]

di Redazione

2001 20 Ottobre

Expectations and hopes ” “of the European bishops ” “” “

The concern about the lack of vocations to the priesthood, the theme of collegiality, and the need to bear witness to hope: these were the three questions that most drew the attention of European bishops present at the Synod. We present below the interventions given on the margins of the Synod by Msgr. Jesùs E.Catalá […]

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2001 20 Ottobre

Albania: ” “the missionary Church” “” “

The metropolitan archbishop of Scutari, Msgr. Angelo Massafra , is a Franciscan and of mixed Italo-Albanian origin; he comes from San Marzano (Taranto). In recent days he has been participating in the general Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, being held in the Vatican until 27 October, in his role as president of the Albanian […]

di Redazione

2001 20 Ottobre

A reflection on life” “” “

Episcopal collegiality, female diaconate, abortion and Catholic counselling services, involvement of Christians in politics: these were some of the themes tackled by Cardinal Karl Lehmann, bishop of Mainz and president of the German Episcopal Conference, in replying to the questions put to him by the delegates of MEIC (ecclesial movement of cultural commitment), gathered for […]

di Redazione

2001 20 Ottobre

The measure of justice” “” “

“We who know what war is…”: the words are those of the Patriarch of Jerusalem Michel Sabbah , who is in Italy to participate in the general Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in the Vatican. In recent days Sabbah took part in the Peace March from Perugia to Assisi. We asked him to give […]

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2001 20 Ottobre

fight against poverty" "

European policies ” “for "social inclusion"” “

On the occasion of the “World Day for the elimination of poverty” on 17 October 2001, the Belgian Presidency of the European Union organized an extraordinary session of the Employment and Social Affairs Commission of the European Parliament. It provided an opportunity to explain and discuss the draft joint report on poverty and social inclusion […]

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