
Germany: mgr. Bachner (Cologne Cathedral), “the theft of St John Paul II’s relic is a loss for the whole world”

The Chapter of Cologne Cathedral offers a reward for having back the relic of Saint John Paul II, stolen the night between Saturday and Sunday last week: “Past experience has shown that sometimes a reward may be useful to ask for someone’s help”, the parish priest, monsignor Gerd Bachner, said, and “the Chapter decided to offer a 1,500 euros’ reward for any information that may lead to get back the relic”. Information may be directly sent to the Chapter – by calling 0221 1794 0100 or emailing – or to any police station. The theft was committed at an indefinite time the evening of June 4th: since 9th December 2013, the relic had been in a silver-coated bronze reliquary with an approximately 40cm glass porthole containing a capsule with a drop of the blood of the Holy Father. The author or authors of the sacrilegious theft broke the window and took the capsule away. The theft was found out in the morning of Sunday 5th June. “The material is not worth much – the parish priest confirmed -; greater is the ideal loss, because it is a lodestar for the whole world, for the patient way” the Pontiff “endured his weakness through to the end of his life”. Mgr. Bachner pointed out that “this theft is not only a crime, it is a damage for this great people”.