Church in Europe

Ireland: Advent, online calendar for prayers and reflections. “Putting Christ at the centre”

A very special Advent calendar will be available online, one that was presented by the primate of Ireland, archbishop Eamon Martin, a few days before the start of the period that leads to Christmas. Every day, one can “open a virtual door” and will find guidance and suggestions for prayers and reflections, which will help “put Christ at the centre” in this liturgical time. Special attention will be paid to families as part of the World Meeting of Families, which will be hosted by Ireland in August 2018. The calendar will be online from Sunday December 3rd on the websites of the Irish Bishops and the world meeting ( and One cannot get ready “in a minute, it takes time, so every day of Advent is a time that makes us walk and reflect about the joy of the Gospel. Our online calendar is a useful resource in this journey”, mgr. Eamon Martin stated on presenting the calendar. In particular, this Advent will be an opportunity to “reflect on the gifts of our families and what they offer us, in the parishes, in the schools, and in society”.