
Croatia: Caritas helps victims of collapse in Hrvatska Kostajnica

(Sofia) To help people hit by powerful floods and collapses in Croatia, a meeting was held in Hrvastka Kostajnica (bordering on Bosnia) between the director of Caritas Croatia, mgr. Fabijan Svalina, the general vicar of the diocese of Sisak, mgr. Marko Cvitkusic, and the victims. They received a 56,000 kune cheque, the equivalent of 7,500 euros, from Caritas. The meeting was also attended by the mayor of the affected town, Dalibor Biscan, who thanked Caritas for such immediate help. Earlier this week, due to the quick heating and melting of the snow, at Hrvastka Kostajnica, the underground waters caused the soil to subside in several places. The consequence is that seven houses were destroyed, two houses had cracks, and about 20 houses are still on the verge of falling down. “The victims saw all their world, all that they had built in a lifetime, collapse”, said mgr. Svalina, as he told them they would be further helped with 2,000 kune (269 euros) per family member, as decided by the cardinal of Zagreb, Josip Bozanic, president of Caritas in the Balkan country. In addition, mgr. Svalina wished that the Croatian authorities concerned may help the victims so they can go back to a normal life after the tragedy.