Call for proposals

EU Parliament: Charlemagne Youth Prize, awards to projects fostering culture and European identity

(Brussels) The three winners of the 2020 edition of the Charlemagne Youth Prize, an initiative by the European Parliament and the International Charlemagne Prize Foundation of Aachen, will get €7,500, €5,000 and €2,500 respectively. The prize has been annually awarded since 2008 to projects submitted by young people aged 16 to 30 that “promote European and international understanding; foster the development of a shared sense of European identity; serve as a role model for young people living in Europe; and offer practical examples of Europeans living together as one community”. The call for projects is open and the deadline for submitting applications is 31 January. The winners will also be given the opportunity to visit the European Parliament and meet with the highest representatives and the members of the Committee on Culture and Education. The University Radio Network Europhonica, the Finnish project “Your European Citizenship” and the Austrian organization “Muslims against Anti-Semitism” were selected as the 2019 winners of the Prize. Juuso Järviniemi, Charlemagne Prize winner in 2015, has recently written: “The recognition offered by the European Parliament motivated me to carry on with my project, and the trip to Aachen to meet the other winners was a brilliant experience”.