FAFCE: “SMEs and Family Welfare: a challenge for the future of Europe”. Debate at EU Parliament

(Brussels) “Short-terminism is destroying values in our economy and is undermining efforts to implement sustainable development policies”. Furthermore, the problems facing families today coupled with high numbers of separations have made families less likely to make long-term plans. This is according to a White Paper published on behalf of the Sallux Foundation that will be the starting point for reflection on “SMEs and Family Welfare: a challenge for the future of Europe”, in the context of a breakfast meeting at the European Parliament on 21 January. The exchange of views is organized by the European Federation of Catholic Family Associations (FAFCE) and is hosted by Austrian MEP Lukas Mandl. Following the introductory remarks by FAFCE President Vincenzo Bassi, Paul Dembinski, Polish economist and professor at the University of Freiburg, will take the floor and give insights into the current situation. According to the White Paper, corporate welfare services are a new form of compensation, convenient for enterprises, for employees and for the society at large, but unaffordable for SMEs. Contributing to the debate will be MEPs (Clotilde Armand, Romania, Renew Europe; Helmut Geuking, Germany, Conservatives and Reformists; and Patrizia Toia, Italy, Socialists and Democrats) and a representative from the European Commission.