Daniele Rocchi

2016 25 Aprile

Jubilee of boys and girls

In the tents of Mercy covered with post-its, the young don’t intend to stop dreaming

A young person for every slip of paper. Since Friday 22nd tens of thousands have passed by the seven Tents of Mercy set up across seven squares in Rome’s historic centre, each one of which was dedicated to a work of mercy. It was a colourful pilgrimage, sometimes noisy as only youths can be, but […]

di Daniele Rocchi

2016 14 Aprile


Which priest for the Italian Church? Dal Molin: “A man amid the people.” The importance of the Word and the value of testimony

What is the exemplary priest for the Italian Church? Monsignor Domenico Dal Molin, the CEI National Director for the Pastoral Care of vocations, said in clear terms: “A priest is a man close to the people, a man of the Word, of grace and mercy.” A few days ahead of the 53rd World Day of […]

di Riccardo Benotti

2016 13 Aprile

Ecumenical solidarity

Refugee emergency: Mons. Pezzi (Moscow) for Syrian refugees under the banner of the “ecumenism of charity”

A journey to the lands devastated by war. In Lebanon and Syria, to gain first-hand knowledge of the situation of Syrian refugees in refugee camps. To hear the stories of men, women but especially those of countless children who had to leave everything behind them. To understand the reasons of and sustain those who chose […]

di M. Chiara Biagioni

2016 07 Aprile

Doors open to the homeless

Expecting nothing in return… Luxembourg, a pub for the homeless where a beer is never denied

There are homeless also in the green, vibrant city of Luxembourg. Even amidst the sparkling palaces of the richest Country in EU, temperatures fall below zero, in daytime and night time alike. For those without a home, the best way to have a feeling of warmth is to drink, wherever they are: outside shopping centres […]

di Sarah Numico

2016 06 Aprile


Refugees: Pope Francis, Patriarch Bartholomew and archbishop Hieronymos on the island of Lesbo. Not to the Europe of walls

While Europe raises barbed wire fences, closes the borders and, owing to a billion-euro political deal with Turkey, sends back its refugees, the “humanitarian offensive” undertaken by Christian Church leaders is taking off. The Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece was the first to release the news: next week Pope Francis, the Ecumenical […]

di Chiara Biagioni

2016 06 Aprile

Humanitarian aid to the refugees

Mass repatriations: fear and concern in Greece and Turkey

Refugees in Greece are in a state of tension and fear, given the risk of being sent to Turkey as a bargaining chip under the agreement signed with the European Union, which on Monday has given the green light to forced mass repatriations. The first 202 people were brought by ferry from the island of […]

di Patrizia Caiffa

2016 05 Aprile

Conflicts in Europe

Nagorno-Karabakh: the implications are too dangerous to wage war

Red alert in the Nagorno-Karabakh region in the South Caucasus disputed by Armenia and Azerbaijan. In the night between 1 and 2 April tensions rose again and the number of casualties is growing by the hour. Hundreds have already died, unfortunately too many civilians. It ‘s the most violent escalation since, in 1994, the armistice […]

di M. Chiara Biagioni

2016 04 Aprile


There is a negotiator in Libya. The economy is to be preferred to weapons

Fayez al-Serraj arrived in Libya a few days ago to take office as Prime Minister of a national unity government that was formed at the end of one-year-long negotiations between the delegations of the governments of Tripoli and Tobruk, supported by the UN and by the European Union but not officially accepted by the parliaments […]

di Stefano Costalli

2016 31 Marzo

After the attacks in Brussels

Security: European intelligence and proper political administration against terrorism

“We stand determined in our common fight against terrorism. As stated by the Heads of State or Government and the leaders of European institutions, this is an attack on our open, democratic society. We will uphold our values also in fighting terrorism.” The firm condemnation of violence, in solidarity with the victims and their families […]

di Gianni Borsa

2016 29 Marzo

On the border between Greece and Macedonia

Easter in Idomeni, where the border remains closed, but hope never dies

“Happy Easter to all the Christians.” Young Mohamed is in the camp of Idomeni, a small village along the border between Greece and Macedonia that has become the symbol of the Balkan Route. He is holding a placard. Despite his traditional Muslim name, Mohamed is Christian. He was born in Syria, on the border with […]

di Michele Luppi, from Idomeni