2001 24 Novembre

The family in Europe” “” “

A family “in the plural”, rather heterogeneous, but with some features shared in common between the “nordic” countries and the countries of the Mediterranean area. That’s the portrait of the family in Europe, as it emerges from the last Report of the CISF (International Centre of Studies on the Family) on the family in Italy, […]

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2001 24 Novembre

A permissive regulation” “

In response to the modifications introduced by the Treaty of Amsterdam of 1997 in the field of judicial cooperation in civil suits, the member States have decided to transform into a Regulation the so-called “Brussels II Convention” of 28 May 1999, never ratified, relating to the harmonization of legislation in EU countries on the dissolution […]

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2001 24 Novembre

war and the media" "

Dying for the truth” “” “

President of the Foreign Press ‘Association in Italy, which represents some 500 journalists from all over the world in Rome, and correspondent of “Antena 3 Television”, the Spaniard Antonio Pelayo is convinced that the first victim of the war in Afghanistan is the truth; yet “information is a paramount right because on it is founded […]

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2001 24 Novembre

economy" "

Help for small and medium businesses” “

The latest round of negotiations of the World Trade Organization (WTO) ended with an apparent success at Doha, in Qatar. It’s now a question of seeing whether the new WTO rules will succeed in guaranteeing global development in a more balanced manner. To discuss the point, SirEurope met Gerhard Hueler , the Austrian director of […]

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2001 24 Novembre

religious publishing" "

In Europe it’s a success” “

France and Italy: a new thirst for spirituality. “Two sister cultures with common Christian and Latin roots in constant dialectical relation between integration and confrontation”: that’s how the president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, Cardinal Paul Poupard, reads the almost parallel development of religious publishing in France and Italy; a link that will lead […]

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2001 24 Novembre

England" "

A Church that is listened to” “” “

The Assembly of the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales has just ended in Leeds. Five main topics were on the agenda: the war in Afghanistan, the situation in the Holy Land, the opposition to euthanasia, the appeal to the government to ban human cloning and the setting up of a unit to combat the […]

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2001 24 Novembre

England: concern and hope for the Afghan crisis” “

A renewed condemnation of the attacks on the Twin Towers of 11 September, recognition of the right to self-defence balanced by the need for a just peace, the conviction that any military action must be targeted and limited in time, and hope in the improvement of the conditions of the Afghan people, thanks also to […]

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2001 24 Novembre

KEK: more cooperation between Europe and the USA” “

In the light of the tragic events that have happened in the world following 11 September, deeper cooperation needs to be fostered between the European Churches and the Churches of the United States. The appeal was made by the secretary general of KEK (Conference of the European Churches), Keith Clements, during his meeting with the […]

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2001 24 Novembre

WCC: Ramadan, letter of the World Council of Churches” “

The secretary general of the WCC, Konrad Raiser, has sent a letter to the heads of the Islamic communities throughout the world to mark the beginning of Ramadan, a month sacred to Islam, which this year coincides with the Christian period of Advent. In his letter, pastor Raiser invites Christians and Moslems to rediscover in […]

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2001 24 Novembre

European Union" "

Enlargement: ten candidate countries are almost ready” “

There are ten countries that could successfully conclude their negotiations for EU membership by the end of 2002, in time to participate in the European elections of 2004. This was announced by the Commisioner for enlargement, Günther Verheugen, on presenting the “Strategy Document” and “Report of the Commission” on the progress made towards membership by […]

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