2001 24 Novembre

Prodi: “A united Europe to respond to the calls for peace”” “

“After 11 September the government of the world is more difficult. Guaranteeing security, prosperity and peace is an enterprise that no State, no institution, no people, however, large, powerful and respected, can realize by itself alone“. That’s why it’s important for Europe to “reaffirm the sense of her own unity so as to respond to […]

di Redazione

2001 24 Novembre

New mission of the Union in the Middle East” “

With the aim of relaunching the negotiations to find a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a mission of the European Union composed of the Belgian presidency of the Council, Romano Prodi and Javier Solana made a visit in recent days to Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. The visit of the European delegation coincided […]

di Redazione

2001 24 Novembre

Dailies and periodicals” “” “

The German press is once again devoting its attention to other issues of international politics apart from its continuing reportage of developments in the war in Afghanistan. One very prominent issue that receives widespread coverage is Rugova’s victory in the elections in Kossovo, a country that, according to an editorial in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung […]

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2001 24 Novembre

agenda" "

Community legislation” “

The main points on the agenda of the parliamentary Commissions of the EP meeting in Brussels from Monday 19 to Thursday 22 November were the following: · Presentation of the 20001 annual Report on the problem of drugs in the EU – Presentation of the programme of work for 2001-2003 (Commission for citizens’ liberties and […]

di Redazione

2001 24 Novembre

European Parliament” “

In the course of last week, the following legislative acts and communications, among others, came into force: · Decision of the Council, of 23/10/2001, which establishes a Community mechanism aimed at facilitating reinforced cooperation in civil protection emergency measures (GUCE L 297/7, 15/11/2001); · Common declaration of the European Community, its member States and the […]

di Redazione

2001 24 Novembre

Presentation of bids” “

· TRD – Preliminary notice inviting the presentation of proposals for the specific programme of technological research, development and demonstration on “Promotion of innovation and encouragement of participation of small and medium-sized businesses” (1998-2002) (GUCE C 320/20, 15/11/2001); · TRD – Invitation to present proposals for indirect actions of TRD in the field of the […]

di Redazione

2001 24 Novembre

editorial" "

Neither martyrs, nor heroes” “

When a city burns there are some who stand to watch, and others who fight the flames. Recurring to this image, dedicated to them by a “war correspondent”, we may say that the seven European journalists killed in Afghanistan since the beginning of the war against terrorism (the Australian worked for a British paper) took […]

di Paolo Bustaffa" "" "" "

2001 22 Novembre

guerra e media" "

Morire per la verità ” “” “

Presidente dell’Associazione stampa estera in Italia, che riunisce a Roma circa 500 giornalisti di tutto il mondo, e corrispondente di “Antena 3 Television”, lo spagnolo Antonio Pelayo è convinto che la prima vittima del conflitto in corso sia la verità; viceversa “l’informazione è un diritto primario perché su di essa si fonda la costruzione dell’opinione […]

di Redazione

2001 22 Novembre

economia" "

Con le piccole e medie imprese” “

Terminato con un apparente successo il round negoziale dell’Organizzazione mondiale del commercio a Doha, in Qatar, si tratta ora di vedere se le nuove regole dell’Omc riusciranno a garantire in maniera più equilibrata lo sviluppo globale. In proposito, SirEuropa ha incontrato Gerhard Hueler , austriaco, direttore della politica economica e fiscale di Ueapme, l’Unione Europea […]

di Redazione

2001 22 Novembre

editoria religiosa" "

In Europa è un successo” “

Francia e Italia: una nuova sete di spiritualità. “Due culture sorelle con comuni radici cristiane e latine in costante rapporto dialettico di integrazione e confronto:” così il presidente del Pontificio Consiglio della cultura, card. Paul Poupard, legge il percorso di sviluppo quasi parallelo dell’editoria religiosa in Francia e in Italia; un legame che porterà l’Italia […]

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