2001 17 Novembre

war and the media" "

Three journalists killed” “

Pierre Billaud of RTL, Johanne Sutton of Radio France Internationale, and Volker Handloik of Stern are the three journalists killed in an ambush by the Taleban in Afghanistan on Sunday, 11 November. We managed to speak on the telephone with Rémi Sulmont , journalist of RTL in Paris. Sulmont preceded Pierre Billaud in Afghanistan and […]

di Gian Andrea Garancini - Brussels" "" "

2001 17 Novembre

Letting oneself be interrogated by events” “

The first war that came to us live on TV was the war in Vietnam. Then with the armed conflict in Iraq – that decreed the world-wide success of CNN – people even talked of “turning the war into a TV show”. After the conflict in the Balkans, something has changed. And in Afghanistan, the […]

di Redazione

2001 17 Novembre

Afghanistan" "

Artists in aid of children” “

“Decades of conflict, oppression and barbarism, without hope and without a future, have forced the population of Afghanistan to live a life of poverty, fear, privation and exodus. The victims are especially the weakest and most defenceless, women and children”, declared the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, Ruud Lubbers , who has launched an appeal […]

di Inès A. Chittilappilly - Geneva" "" "

2001 17 Novembre

A journey of catechesis” “

Marriage and catechesis, and the international crisis, were some of the main issues on the agenda of the plenary Assembly of the bishops of France, held at Lourdes from 4 to 10 November, and chaired by the new president of the French Episcopal Conference, Jean-Pierre Ricard, bishop of Montpellier (cf. SirEurope no. 6/2001, p.8). The […]

di Maryvonne Gasse - Paris¤" "" "

2001 17 Novembre

Austria" "

No to work on Sundays” “

The concern for peace in the world, the year of vocations in 2002, the role of the “pro-Europe” organization in aid of the countries of Eastern Europe, the constitutional affirmation of “Sunday as a day of rest”, the issues of bioethics: these were the main questions on which the attention of the Austrian bishops was […]

di Redazione

2001 17 Novembre

United Kingdom" "

World trade: "helping the poorest"” “

The Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, president of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, has urged the British government to maintain its promise of donating a part of the nation’s wealth to the poorest countries of the world. Over thirty years have gone by – the cardinal recalled – since Great Britain promised […]

di Redazione

2001 17 Novembre

Shortage of priests: a letter of the bishop of Brighton” “

An appeal to parishioners and diocesan priests to heighten their awareness of the shortage of priests in the parishes and propose a solution, was launched by Kieran Conry, bishop of Arundel and Brighton, in a pastoral letter published in recent days. There are already two parishes in the diocese without a priest, writes Bishop Conry […]

di Silvia Guzzetti - London" "" "

2001 17 Novembre

Germany" "

"No pulling back in the hour of danger"” “

In deciding military actions, the criteria of the ethics of peace must especially be borne in mind, affirms Cardinal Karl Lehmann, president of the German Episcopal Conference, in an official declaration published in recent days concerning the intervention of German military forces in Afghanistan. The bishop of Mainz recalls that the German bishops “have appealed […]

di Redazione

2001 17 Novembre

First annual report of the Fund for the victims of Nazism” “

To forge links with the inhabitants of the countries occupied by Nazism, not to forget and to help in the building of a world of peace, so that the violence of the past be not repeated: that is how Cardinal Karl Lehmann, president of the German Episcopal Conference, summed up the work of the “Fund […]

di Redazione

2001 17 Novembre

ecumenism" "

Two years since the signing of the Augsburg Declaration” “

31 October 1999: representatives of the Catholic and Lutheran Churches signed the “Joint Declaration on the doctrine of justification” at Augsburg”. That same day, in his Angelus address in Rome, the Pope spoke of a “milestone on the difficult road of the restoration of full unity among Christians”. The Declaration in fact clarifies a controversy […]

di Redazione