2001 17 Novembre

Morocco: interreligious colloquium on the climate” “

On questions of the environment, Christians and Moslems have points of view that closely resemble each other. Both for Islam and for Christianity, the safeguarding of the creation for future generations is an essential concern. That is what emerged from the interreligious colloquium promoted by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and held in recent […]

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2001 17 Novembre

Zagreb: terrorism is an act against God¤” “

The escalation of terrorism in the world and the religious implications of terrorist attacks were at the centre of an interreligious meeting held in Zagreb on 13 November. It was attended by representatives of the various religious communities present in Croatia. The final document declares that when international terrorism recurs to religious motivations to justify, […]

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2001 17 Novembre

European Union" "

France and Germany: two proposals for the EU” “

“It’s difficult to imagine a further growth of the European project, if it isn’t accompanied by a conscious contribution of civil society, by the informed support of a nascent European public opinion and by a lesser fragmentation of the national public debates”: so said Marco Demarie, director of the Giovanni Agnelli Foundation on opening the […]

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2001 17 Novembre

European mayors: union of diversities” “

The project of European unity may be “fully realized only by augmenting brotherhood as a political category”. “ A Europe united in brotherhood cannot but place its own experience and its own resources at the service of the demand for justice, cooperation and peace that is being made by the poorest areas of the world”. […]

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2001 17 Novembre

European Parliament: measures against terrorism” “

The plenary session of the European Parliament (EP) held at Strasbourg from 12 to 15 November adopted a series of resolutions and reports relating to the measures proposed by some member States in the fields of justice and internal affairs aimed at improving the EU policy of combating international terrorism. In particular, the Assembly approved […]

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2001 17 Novembre

2003: year of the disabled” “

The European Parliament approved the Report of Mr Lynne (ELDR, Ireland) on the proposed decision of the Council to denominate 2003 the “European Year of persons with disabilities”. The report urges that the fundamental dimension of the struggle against the various forms of discrimination, material and psychological, that the disabled suffer in their daily lives […]

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2001 17 Novembre

Progress in the protection of the climate” “

Almost to everyone’s surprise, the Marrakesh Conference on climate change reached an agreement that confirms the commitment of the international community to ratify the Kyoto Protocol on the reduction of the gases that produce the greenhouse effect. The negotiations, conducted especially by the Presidency of the European Union, ended with the adoption of a legally […]

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2001 17 Novembre

International dailies and periodicals” “

The entry of Northern Alliance troops into Kabul monopolizes the attention of the international dailies that dedicate their front page and editorials to analyzing the progress of the war. “The fall of Kabul, the mystery of the Airbus”, is the headline carried for example by Le Monde of 14/11, that makes the point: “Two months […]

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2001 17 Novembre

agenda" "

EU legislation” “

The following legislative acts and communications, among others, entered into force in the course of last week: · Regulation (EC) no. 2157/2001 of the Council, of 8/10/2001, relating to the Statute of European Society (ES) (GUCE L 294/1, 10/11/2001); · Directive 2001/86/EC of the Council, of 8/10/2001, which completes the statute of European society as […]

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2001 17 Novembre

European Parliament” “

The EP met at Strasbourg in plenary session from 12 to 15 November. The main points on the agenda were the following: · Communications of the European Commission on the question of enlargement; · Joint discussion on European Space research (pluriannual framework programme 2002-2006 of the EC and the European Atomic Energy Community); · Discussion […]

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