2001 03 Novembre

A code” “for good administration” “

The “European Code of good administrative conduct”, approved by the European Parliament in its plenary session of 6 September 2001, is available in the 11 official languages of the EU on the site www.euro-ombudsman.eu.int/code/fr/default.htm. The text of the Code – which is aimed at combating cases of administrative malfunction and offers guidelines and advice – […]

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2001 03 Novembre

” “International dailies ” “and periodicals” “

“Against intolerance”: that’s the title of an editorial signed by Michel Kubler in La Croix of 30/10, on the day following the massacre of Christians in the church at Bahawalpur, in Pakistan. According to Kubler, “the massacre of Pakistani Christians by Islamic fundamentalists (…) reveals a doubly symbolic force. First of all, because both the […]

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2001 03 Novembre

agenda" "

EU legislation” “

Over the last week, the following legislative acts and communications, among others, came into force: · Decision of the Council, of 16/10/2001, relating to the signature on behalf of the European Community of the protocol against the illegal manufacture and traffic of firearms, their parts and components and ammunition, annexed to the convention of the […]

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2001 03 Novembre

Presentation of bids” “

· MEDIA PLUS – Development, distribution and promotion (2001/2005) – Implementation of the programme of support to the development, distribution and promotion of European audiovisual works – Two invitations to present proposals: Support to the promotion and access to the market in the sector of actions aimed at establishing networks of cooperation between European audiovisual […]

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2001 03 Novembre

European Parliament” “

The activity of the European Parliament has been suspended for the festivity of 1st November. The work of the parliamentary Commissions of the EP will resume in Brussels on Monday 5 November and continue to Thursday 8 November.

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2001 03 Novembre

Islam" "

Is there still scope for dialogue?” “” “

The recent massacre of Christians in Pakistan raises fears of a progressive deterioration of dialogue with Islam. France, which has a population of some four million Moslems, is one of the European countries with a strong commitment to integration. To understand how the Moslem communities in France have reacted to the latest developments, we interviewed […]

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2001 03 Novembre

The unease of the Moslem communities” “

The Islamic communities in France are following with great apprehension the events of recent weeks. To understand why, we interviewed Fouad Imarraine , director of a Centre of Islamic worship and culture at Saint-Denis, on the northern outskirts of Paris. How are you experiencing the tragic events of recent weeks? “There was a widespread reaction […]

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2001 03 Novembre

Together against terrorism” “

The fear is that the attacks on the Twin Towers may unleash “a second war” in Europe: a war waged not with bombs, nor anthrax strikes, but with generalized mistrust and indiscriminate reprisals. And the aim of terrorism is precisely this: that of fomenting clashes between the civilizations in the world. That’s why the meeting […]

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2001 03 Novembre

Mediterranean" "

United by the same sea” “

A plan of action for dialogue between the cultures and civilizations in the Mediterranean will be presented in Brussels on 5 and 6 November, to coincide with the meeting of the 27 foreign ministers of the “Barcelona process” (see the fact file on the following page). The plan of action envisages a series of specific […]

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2001 03 Novembre

fact file" "

The Barcelona process” “” “

On the mandate of the European Council held in Corfù in 1994, the Barcelona Conference of 1995 marked the birth of the Euromed partnership, the new strategy for the EU’s political, economic and commercial relations with the 12 Mediterranean countries: Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. Libya […]

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