2001 03 Novembre

European bishops" "

Laeken, and after…” “

“The future of the European Union: Laeken and after…”: that’s the theme of the seminar held in the headquarters of the European Commission in Brussels on 30 October. Organized by the Group of Political Advisers of the President of the European Commission (GOPA) in collaboration with the Church and Society Commission of the Conference of […]

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2001 03 Novembre

Germany" "

At Dachau to “learn peace”” “

The celebrations ending the world missionary week, that had as its motto “Learning peace”, were concluded in the former concentration camp of Dachau on the outskirts of Munich on Sunday 28 October. Speakers at the event included witnesses from countries at war, among others Bishop Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo from East Timor, winner of the […]

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2001 03 Novembre

United Kingdom" "

It wasn’t a pagan feast” “

Two popular festivities are annually celebrated, the one hard on the heels of the other, during these early days of November in Great Britain: Halloween and Guy Fawkes. The first is typically American, the second more traditionally British. Halloween is celebrated on 1st November, Guy Fawkes Day on 5 November. Both have by now become […]

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2001 03 Novembre

France: a new president of the bishops” “

The French Episcopal Conference will meet in plenary assembly at Lourdes from 4 to 10 November with two central themes on the agenda: marriage and catechesis. Msgr. Louis-Marie Billé, archbishop of Lyons and President of the Episcopal Conference over the last five years, has announced that he will present his resignation, a year before the […]

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2001 03 Novembre

Austria: year of vocations” “

The Austrian bishops will meet in Vienna from 6 to 8 November, under the presidency of Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn, for their autumn assembly. According to the press agency of the Austrian Church, Kathpress, the main themes on the agenda are the “year of vocations” proclaimed for 2002, the major ecclesiastical “mitteleuropa” gathering planned for 2003 […]

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2001 03 Novembre

ecumenism" "

Appeal for an international penal tribunal” “

No to the military intervention in Afghanistan of which “the objectives and above all the consequences are not yet known”. Yes to the international fight against terrorism, though it requires “extremely complex” methods of investigation and networks of intervention. But, first and foremost, giving the final go-ahead to the “creation of an international penal tribunal”. […]

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2001 03 Novembre

An ecumenical delegation in the United States” “

An international delegation of the Christian Churches will visit the United States from 7 to 14 November. The initiative is being promoted by the World Council of Churches (WCC), representing 342 Christian churches (Protestant, Anglican and Orthodox) spread in more than 100 countries throughout the world. The delegation will visit the community of the Greek […]

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2001 03 Novembre

Turkey: a Christian bookshop thanks to the EU” “

“The go-ahead given by the authorities to the opening of this Christian bookshop at Adana, a city of two million inhabitants in eastern Turkey, is almost a miracle”. So says Baptist pastor Kaya Essen, who has followed the saga of the initiative ever since 1993. Following the devastating effects of the 1999 earthquake on the […]

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2001 03 Novembre

European Union" "

Eradicating poverty in Africa” “

A new chapter has been opened in the institutional promotion of Euro-African dialogue between the European Union and the five African countries responsible for promoting the action programme for the development of the entire continent: South Africa, Senegal, Algeria, Egypt and Zambia. The dialogue begun between the representatives of the EU and the African heads […]

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2001 03 Novembre

Governing globalization” “

“Globalization is an opportunity if we succeed in channelling the efforts aimed at a better world order, the protection of the environment and aid to the poor and the disadvantaged”, affirmed Michel Camdessus, former director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), on recently presenting, in Brussels, the Report of COMECE (Commission of the Episcopal Conferences […]

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