2001 27 Ottobre

fact files" "

Security policy” “

In 1954, the project for the European Defence Community (EDC) failed due to the political divisions between the then six members of the European Coal and Steel Community. A year later the Western European Union was established, equipped with a wider mandate and forms of partnership. In 1992, the Treaty of Maastricht conferred new competencies […]

di Redazione

2001 27 Ottobre

The European army” “

After a gestation period of some 40 years, the European Force is beginning to take shape. At the summit of Santa Maria de Feira (Portugal), in June 2000, the necessary steps for the establishment of a European military structure were confirmed. It is intended to be a rapid reaction force, an Army Corps composed of […]

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2001 27 Ottobre

Northern Ireland" "

No more weapons” “” “

The IRA (Irish Republican Army) has announced that it has now begun the process of “decommissioning”, of disarming, after the appeal made to it by Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams. Those who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to promote the dialogue that has brought the terrorists to the negotiating table, convincing them to abandon their […]

di Redazione

2001 27 Ottobre

fact file – ” “The peace process” “” “

IRA’s decision to put its weapons beyond use to save the peace process in Northern Ireland is an historic moment for a land racked for centuries by civil war. After the cease-fire declared by the IRA in 1994, the decision of the Republican terrorists to “decommission” their weapons (this term is used rather than “handing […]

di Redazione

2001 27 Ottobre

Russia is awaiting the Pope” “” “

“Time shows that the future of the world community risks being played out without the participation of the Church, if the joint action of the bishops and the work of the Synod is not stepped up”, declared the Apostolic Administrator of European Russia, Msgr. Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz , who has lived in Moscow for the last […]

di Redazione

2001 27 Ottobre

A climate of unity” “” “

Continuity with the themes of the Instrumentum Laboris, a good deal of attention to reflection that helps “the bishop to understand the origins of his vocation”, and not least a climate of great love and unity that are striking, given that in the past “there have been moments in which there was less unity”. These […]

di Redazione

2001 27 Ottobre

France" "

Christian Film Week” “” “

One of the objectives of Christian Film Week, held in the French capital from 17 to 23 October on the initiative of the diocese of Paris, is that of bringing Christians ever closer to the seventh art. On the theme of fear, chosen for this year’s film week, 26 masterpieces were selected from the world […]

di Redazione

2001 27 Ottobre

in brief" "

Italy: meeting of families” “

“Family, believe in what you are”: that’s the message that the Pope addressed to the 100,000 faithful present in St. Peter’s Square, on 20 October, on the occasion of the national meeting of Italian families with the Holy Father (Rome, 20-21 October). To the participants in the meeting, coming from the 227 dioceses of Italy […]

di Redazione

2001 27 Ottobre

France: a new law for prisons” “

“Knowing one is loved in spite of everything one has done, may change the horizon of one’s life: the true freedom we may offer prison inmates is to enable them to discover themselves responsible for their own actions, and assume responsibility for them to the point of asking for forgiveness from those they have hurt […]

di Redazione

2001 27 Ottobre

Switzerland: peoples’ day” “

“Diversity is a richness”. With this slogan, “Peoples’ Day” will be celebrated in Switzerland on 11 November. “In our country – declares a message written for the occasion by ‘Migratio’ (Episcopal Commission for migrations) – there are men and women, coming from other nations, with different cultures and often with different languages. The aim of […]

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