2001 27 Ottobre

ecumenism" "

Christians united for peace” “

Saturday, 20 October, 40 days after the tragic terrorist attacks on the United States, a divine liturgy to commemorate the victims who lost their lives in New York, Washington and Pittsburgh – and who also included Russian citizens – was celebrated in the cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow. The commemoration – officiated by […]

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2001 27 Ottobre

European Union" "

European Council in Ghent: three declarations” “

The informal summit of EU Heads of State and of Government, held in Ghent on 19 October, tackled the question of international terrorism and the consequences of last month’s attacks in New York and Washington. At the end of the summit, three joint declarations were presented in the presence of the President of the Commission: […]

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2001 27 Ottobre

Sakharov Prize” “

An Anglican archbishop and two university professors, one a Palestinian and the other an Israeli, are the winners of the Sakharov Prize for 2001. Designated by the Conference of presidents of the European Parliament, the prizewinners are the archbishop of Lubango, in Angola, Zacarias Kamuenho, and two university professors, the Israeli Nurit Peled-Elhanan, and the […]

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2001 27 Ottobre

Plenary session of the EP” “” “

The week-long plenary session of the European Parliament opened in Strasbourg on Monday, 22 October, with the Declaration of the Commission on the theme of security in air transport and in industrial sites. The first day of the session was dedicated to a discussion of the mechanisms and prospects of the international monetary system, European […]

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2001 27 Ottobre


” “International dailies and periodicals” “” “

The main European dailies continue to reflect on the international crisis following the tragic events of 11 September, focusing in particular on what might be called the “two fronts” of the war: the military offensive in Afghanistan and bio-terrorism; the latter has come to the forefront following the letters containing anthrax sent through the post […]

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2001 27 Ottobre

agenda" "

EU legislation” “

Over the last week, the following legislative acts and communications, among others, came into force: · Regulation (EC) no. 2020/2001 of the Commission, of 15/10/2001, relating to the nomenclature of countries and territories for the statistics of the Community’s foreign trade and trade between its member States (GUCE L 273/6, 16/10/2001); · Resolution of the […]

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2001 27 Ottobre

European Parliament” “

The European Parliament met in Strasbourg in plenary session from 22 to 25 October 2001. The main points on the agenda were as follows: · Solemn session – Address by the Dalai Lama; · Report of the Council and declaration of Commission – Meeting of the European Council (Ghent, 19 October); · Declarations of the […]

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2001 27 Ottobre

Presentation of bids” “” “

· RTD – Invitation to present proposals for indirect actions of RTD in the sphere of the specific programme of research, technological development and demonstration with the title “Competitive and sustainable growth”. Deadline for the presentation of bids: 15/02/2002. For further information, contact: European Commission, DG RTD-H-Growth 2001. E-mail growth@cec.eu.int Fax: 00322.2966757, or consult the […]

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2001 25 Ottobre

scheda – ” “Il processo di pace” “” “

La decisione dell’Ira di consegnare le armi per salvare il processo di pace in Irlanda del Nord è un momento storico per una terra tormentata da secoli di guerra civile. Dopo la tregua dichiarata dall’Ira nel 1994, la decisione dei terroristi repubblicani di “decommissionare” le loro armi (si usa questo termine anziché quello di “consegna” […]

di Redazione

2001 25 Ottobre

La Russia attende il Papa” “” “

“Il tempo mostra che il treno della comunità mondiale potrebbe passare senza la partecipazione della Chiesa, se non verrà intensificata l’azione comune dei vescovi e il lavoro del Sinodo”, ha dichiarato l’amministratore apostolico della Russia europea, mons. Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz che da dieci anni vive a Mosca. Lo abbiamo intervistato. Perché, a suo avviso, la comunità […]

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