2001 06 Ottobre

Catholics ” “and Anglicans study the dogmas on Mary” “

Catholics and Anglicans are trying to reach an agreement on a crucial aspect of their divergences: the dogmas of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and of her Assumption into heaven. Members of the “Arcic” theological Commission which has been working for years to bring the two Churches closer together, met in September in the College […]

di Redazione

2001 06 Ottobre


A "place of hope"” “

SirEurope is beginning its weekly publications with this number. Five experimental numbers were presented at various international meetings and sent to representatives of European Church organizations, political and cultural institutions. The aim is to further boost and improve a kind of religious information that, in recounting the life and thought of the Church in its […]

di Paolo Bustaffa

2001 06 Ottobre

justice, not vendetta – The cross and forgiveness ” “

“Today too there are crosses: those two destroyed skyscrapers are like the Cross above the earth. We must form projects for learning and teaching love” After the terrorist attacks that recently struck the United States, a fervent appeal for peace has been made by Cardinal Miloslav Vlk , Archbishop of Prague. In the 1970s, Vlk […]

di Redazione

2001 06 Ottobre

justice, not vendetta – The role of Europe” “” “

What can the European Union do in the current situation of international crisis?: the view of Paul Magnette of the University of Brussels Paul Magnette is associate director of the Institute of European Studies at the Free University of Brussels, as well as the author of numerous publications on the institutional system of the European […]

di Redazione

2001 06 Ottobre

justice, not vendetta – The plan of action” “

“Terrorism represents a real challenge for the world and for Europe. The European Council has decided that the struggle against terrorism will increasingly represent a priority objective of the European Union. However, the European Union solemnly rejects any identification between groups of fanatical terrorists and the Arab and Moslem world”. By enunciating these two propositions, […]

di Redazione

2001 06 Ottobre

justice, not vendetta – The "troika" in the Middle East” “” “

Belgian Foreign Minister Louis Michel, EU Commissioner for External Relations Christopher Patten and EU Senior Representative for Foreign Policy and Joint Security (PESC) Javier Solana were the members of the European Troika which, on the mandate of the extraordinary European Council, undertook a five-day mission to the Mid-East, visiting some of the main Islamic capitals. […]

di Redazione

2001 06 Ottobre

justice, not vendetta – The NATO Summit” “” “

The first informal meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence after the attacks against the United States, originally scheduled to be held in Pozzuoli but then transferred to Brussels for security reasons, was an occasion for the Alliance to express its condolences to the families of the victims and to reaffirm its solidarity with the American […]

di Redazione

2001 06 Ottobre

Germany – Reinforcing the dialogue between cultures” “

The dialogue with Islam as a weapon against terrorism: a document of the German bishops The social integration of immigrants of Islamic faith, a problem long felt in Germany, is experiencing a difficult moment at the moment, in the aftermath of the American tragedy. If on the one hand provisions restrictive of immigration are called […]

di Redazione

2001 06 Ottobre

Italy – Peace, truth ” “and justice: the bishops’ appeal ” “” “

“The keynote address of the Cardinal President – says the final communiqué of the permanent Episcopal Council held in Pisa from 24 to 27 September – gave voice to the reflection and concern of the Bishops and of Italian Catholics in response to the unprecedented and totally unexpected terrorist act of 11 September, which stunned […]

di Redazione

2001 06 Ottobre

Italy – Her contribution ” “to the Laeken Declaration” “

“At the political level, Europe could play a valuable role in the continent and in the world; at the juridical level, EU law is destined increasingly to have an impact on national laws”. The point is made by Msgr. Attilio Nicora, emeritus bishop of Verona and vice-president of COMECE, summarizing the contribution of the Italian […]

di Redazione