2001 06 Ottobre

United Kingdom – military action, the last resort” “” “

Catholic Archbishop Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, President of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales and spiritual leader of four million English Catholics, has recommended that any military reaction to Islamic terrorism should represent a last resort, to which recourse should be had only after all the other options – political, legal and diplomatic – have been […]

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2001 06 Ottobre

United Kingdom – The Nolan Report on sexual abuse” “” “

“What I have tried to do is to give rise to an attitude inside the Church that may permit someone who has suffered a sexual abuse to come forward and denounce it”. With this declaration, the Archbishop of Birmingham, Vincent Nichols, presented the final version of the Nolan Report during a press conference in London. […]

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2001 06 Ottobre

France – Food banks: ” “bread and friendship” “

The Congress of the Federation of Food Banks is being held in Paris: 56,000 tons of foodstuffs were distributed in French territory in 2000 alone, equivalent to 11 million meals for some 800,000 persons, without spending anything Waste nothing and buy nothing : that is the first objective of the French Federation of food banks that […]

di Redazione

2001 06 Ottobre

France – Peace is the fruit of justice” “

Terrorism has nothing to do with religions, and peace is nothing but “the fruit of justice”. These are the theses upheld by Msgr. Bernard Panafieu, Archbishop of Marseilles and President of the Secretariat for relations with Islam in a note published by the French Episcopal Conference in recent days, as a comment on the tragic […]

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2001 06 Ottobre

France – Youngsters online: www.inXL6.org is born ” “” “

“I’m happy to inaugurate with you the youth portal that the Catholic Church in France is opening on the web. This site is yours and I hope it may be a place of information, sharing and creativity. I hope that your life of faith may receive illumination and support from it”. With this dedication signed […]

di Redazione

2001 06 Ottobre

France – Toulouse: the bishop, "now I weep with you"” “” “

Eighteen dead, 650 injured, 50 of whom in a desperate condition: that is the dramatic blance-sheet of the explosion that devastated the AZF petrochemicals plant in Toulouse on Friday, 21 September. “Love was the victim”, said the city’s archbishop, Msgr. Emile Marcus, at a requiem mass for the victims of the catastrophe celebrated in the […]

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2001 06 Ottobre

Switzerland – Massacre in Zug: ecumenical ” “solidarity ” “” “

“The act of madness that sowed death in the very heart of the government and parliament of Zug, has profoundly shocked us. We pray for the victims and testify to our solidarity with the families and with the cantonal authorities”. So begins the joint communiqué signed by the Swiss Bishops’ Conference (CES) and by the […]

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2001 06 Ottobre

Switzerland – Referendum ” “on abortion: the guidance of the bishops” “” “

No indication of how to vote, simply the conviction that to prevent women having recourse to the interruption of pregnancy, what are needed are “political will”, sense of “realism” and “measures of accompaniment” in favour of the family “worthy of this name”. This is what is stated by the Catholic bishops of Switzerland in a […]

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2001 06 Ottobre

Switzerland – World Youth Day 2002: ” “"the sentinels of the morning" are preparing to leave” “” “

For the 17th World Youth Day – to be held in Toronto from 23 to 28 July on the theme “You are the salt of the earth… You are the light of the world” – three organizing committees have been set up in Switzerland, one for each of the country’s three linguistic zones. In preparation […]

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2001 06 Ottobre

European bishops – CCEE: more scope for immigrant ” “women” “” “

“Female migration has grown drastically over the last 20 years. Today some 50% of international migrants are women”. This is the main finding that emerged from the last meeting of the national directors of the pastoral care of migrants, coming from 15 European countries. Held in Strasbourg from 27 to 30 September, the meeting was […]

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