2001 10 Novembre

Switzerland: a Caritas report on precarious employment” “” “

Almost 10% of workers in Switzerland have no job security. Women and unskilled workers are especially subject to precarious conditions of work. This is affirmed by a report issued by Swiss Caritas, and presented in Bern in recent days. Out of 4,200,000 workers in Switzerland, over 430,000 are in a situation of precariousness. “We don’t […]

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2001 10 Novembre

European Union " "

Cooperation to development to prevent conflicts” “

Representatives of the Parliaments of the 77 States of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific and of the European Parliament took part in the third session of the joint ACP-EU parliamentary Assembly in Brussels from 29 October to 1 November. Corrie, British co-President of the Assembly, stressed the growing political role of the joint Assembly, […]

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2001 10 Novembre

Dialogue between the cultures of the Mediterranean” “

The fourth Conference of Foreign Ministers of the 27 countries that participate in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership met in Brussels on 5 and 6 November 2001 (cf. SirEurope no. 5/2001, p.6). Renewing their commitment to abide by the Barcelona Process as an “essential and privileged framework of dialogue and cooperation between the European Union and the […]

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2001 10 Novembre

The European position on the WTO summit in Doha” “

Creating the conditions for a stronger and lasting economic growth through a greater liberalization of trade: that’s how the European Commissioner for trade, Pascal Lamy, summed up the position of the EU on the fourth ministerial conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) due to be held at Doha in Qatar from 9 to 13 […]

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2001 10 Novembre

International dailies and periodicals” “

The acceleration of the military offensive, before the onset of the Afghan winter, and the enlargement of the confines of the conflict, thanks to the participation of an ever growing number of countries “allied” with the United States: these are the “war issues” on which the main European dailies continue to reflect, with editorials and […]

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2001 10 Novembre

agenda" "

EU legislation” “

The following legislative acts and communications, among others, came into force in the course of last week: · Common position (EC) no. 34/2001, of 31/7/2001, defined by the Council, and deliberated in conformity with the procedure specified in article 251 of the Treaty by which the European Community was instituted, with a view to the […]

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2001 10 Novembre

European Parliament” “

The main points on the agenda of the parliamentary Commissions meeting in Brussels from 5 to 8 November were the following: · Prevention of conflicts: regional integration and cooperation, short-term prevention (Commission for foreign affairs, human rights, joint security and defence policy, rapporteur: Lagendijk); · Framework decision on the fight against terrorism (Commission for internal […]

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2001 10 Novembre

Presentation of bids” “

· ESF, art.6 – Innovative measures in conformity with article 6 of the regulation relating to the European Social Fund “Local strategies for employment and innovation”. Deadline for the presentation of proposals: 22/2/2002 (first session), 31/1/2003 (second session). For further information, please contact: European Commission (tel: 00322.2956643, Fax: 00322.2995989, E-mail empl-article6@cec.eu.int), or consult the Internet […]

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2001 10 Novembre

the future of Europe" "

The essential role of culture” “

In the construction of Europe and in the process of integration now underway an important role is assumed not only by the Euro and the single market, but especially by culture: Romano Prodi is convinced of this. On 7 November he chose, for the first time, to convene the European Commission, which he heads, outside […]

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2001 10 Novembre

agriculture" "

The expectations of European citizens” “

What do the citizens of Europe think of the EU’s agricultural policies? What are the expectations of farmers? What “ethical” demands emerge from public opinion after the “mad cow” crisis and the various environmental alarms of recent times? The EU Commissioner for Agriculture, Franz Fischler, replied to these questions in recent days, in a speech […]

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