2001 10 Novembre

The Orthodox world" "

The continent of faith” “

The European Union is looking eastwards for its future enlargement from fifteen to twenty-seven states. How does the Orthodox world react to this eventuality? There are those who maintain that the Orthodox Church is trying to curb enlargement out of its fear of the impact of the culture of Western Europe. But this view is […]

di Gian Andrea Garancini - Brussels" "" "

2001 10 Novembre

Birth of a “social doctrine”” “

For the first time the Russian Orthodox Church has enunciated a kind of social doctrine that translates Christianity into social life. A group of thirty experts, theologians, laymen, intellectuals, biologists, economists, both “Western and Eastern”, have worked for four years on the “questions posed by modernity”. In presenting the report, Nikolaj Balashov , secretary of […]

di Redazione

2001 10 Novembre

Dialogue begins from below” “

There was “incomprehension” on the part of the Patriarchate of Moscow for the Pope’s visit to the Ukraine, but “the intention to continue the dialogue with all our strength and overcome the obstacles that divide us remains firm”. That’s how Father Vladimir Kuciumov , representative of the Patriarchate of Moscow in Italy, speaks of the […]

di Redazione

2001 10 Novembre

Islam" "

The task of integration” “

An attack on an Anglican church by a group of Moslem youth. It happened in the church of Saint Philip in Bradford, a town in northern England where half the population is of Asian origin. “Those responsible for the attack are unemployed youngsters – explains Father Patrick McCuffrey , in charge of interreligious dialogue in […]

di Silvia Guzzetti - London" "" "

2001 10 Novembre

France" "

Change of guard in the leadership of the Episcopal Conference ” “

The new president of the French Episcopal Conference is Msgr. Jean-Pierre Ricard , bishop of Montpellier. He was elected by the plenary Assembly of the bishops of France, gathered at Lourdes from Sunday, 4th to Saturday 10th November. Bishop Ricard takes the place of Cardinal Louis-Marie Billé who, at the opening of the Assembly, presented […]

di Redazione

2001 10 Novembre

Germany" "

The Synod of the Evangelical Churches” “

The ninth Synod of the Evangelical Churches of Germany is underway at Amberg, in Bavaria. The main theme that the 120 members of this kind of “church parliament” (meeting from Sunday 4th to Friday 9th November) are discussing this year is: “Forming the global economy in a responsible manner”. Other issues on the agenda are […]

di Redazione

2001 10 Novembre

editorial" "

No conflict of civilization” “” “

In a time of massive bombardments over Afghanistan, called “the response” by the dominant mass media, the various Western television channels are busily shaping our perception of the real. Today more than ever they make us believe, with all objectivity, that they are only a mirror of reality, when in actual fact it is they […]

di editor in chief of the apic/kipa press agency – switzerland" "" "

2001 08 Novembre

editoriale" "

Nessun conflitto di civiltà” “” “

In tempo di bombardamenti massivi sull’Afghanistan, definiti dai mass media dominanti la “risposta”, le varie televisioni costruiscono la nostra percezione del reale. Oggi più che mai ci fanno credere, con tutta obiettività, di essere solo lo specchio del reale, quando in realtà sono loro stesse a metterlo in scena. Ed ecco che, anche se ci […]

di Jacques Berset redattore capo dell'agenzia di stampa apic/kipa – svizzera

2001 08 Novembre

unione europea" "

La cooperazione allo sviluppo per prevenire i conflitti” “

Rappresentanti dei Parlamenti dei 77 Stati dell’Africa, Caraibi, Pacifico e del Parlamento Europeo hanno partecipato a Bruxelles dal 29 ottobre al 1 novembre alla terza sessione dell’Assemblea parlamentare comune ACP-UE. Corrie, popolare britannico, co-Presidente dell’Assemblea, ha sottolineato il crescente ruolo politico svolto dall’Assemblea comune, in particolare a seguito degli attentati in America dell’11 Settembre scorso. […]

di Redazione

2001 08 Novembre

Dialogo tra le culture del Mediterraneo” “

La quarta Conferenza dei Ministri degli esteri dei 27 Paesi che partecipano al Partenariato euromediterraneo si è riunita a Bruxelles nei giorni 5 e 6 Novembre 2001 (cfr SirEuropa n.5/2001 p.6). Rinnovando l’impegno di attenersi al Processo di Barcellona in quanto “quadro essenziale e privilegiato di dialogo e di cooperazione tra l’Unione europea ed i […]

di Redazione